Sunday, April 19, 2009


Dan Snyder is both a great owner and an infuriating owner. He's a great owner in the sanme way that Jack Kent Cooke would open up his pocketbook to acquire any star player necessary. It's too bad that these days championships are won by building through the draft with solid scouting and talent evaluation.

Unfortunately, to that point, Snyder is an infuriating owner because he gets involved in personnel decisions with the football talent evalutation skills of a fan, not a trained eye. Being infatuated with Mark Sanchez? C'mon man! Give Campbell a chance to succeed... On the other hand, the fact that Campbell hasn't succeeded by now doesn't bode well for him.

The Danny really has to set Vinny aside (how about Operations Executive) for the good of the franchise and hire an up-and-coming football executive as personnel decision-maker.


trucks21 said...

Agreed my friend! It is nice to know that Dan has the pocketbook to pay for talent, but at the same time, he is so impatient that he loses sight of the long run benefits of a guy like Jason Campbell (who i think will do fine this year, being his 1st year of having the same offensive playbook since his freshman year at Auburn)

-Lou said...

I am curious about what would make you say Dan Snyder is a "great" owner...?! In his tenure, the Redskins have just one NFC East title and zero trips to the NFC title game, much less the Super Bowl...what's so great about that?

No offense, just asking...

skinz21rip said...

check the coverage out here

Anonymous said...

What is Dan Snyder good for besides making money?